University of California, Riverside School of Medicine

UC Riverside

Southern California Eukaryotic Pathogen Symposium

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The study of eukaryotic pathogens includes such diverse organisms as intracellular protozoa, helminths and fungal pathogens. The Annual Southern Californian Eukaryotic Pathogen Symposium (SCEP) brings together researchers from more than 15 different labs from Southern California  that investigate the inner workings and host response to these important pathogens. It is the aim of this symposium to bring together these like-minded but individual groups to facilitate interaction and collaboration.

Our ninth annual symposium will take place on Wednesday, October 30, 2024 at the UC Riverside Genomics Auditorium. Registration, abstract booklet, parking and food are free!

Register Now!

Thank you to the following organizations for their continued support:

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Donate to Support the SCEP Symposium

Thanks to the generous support of donors,  vendors and UCR departments, we have been able to provide this conference free of charge in past years. Your donations will help us continue to do so in the future.

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